Bébés chihuahuas à Vendre
Nous vous présentons notre portée de 5 Adorables chiots chihuahua noir, nés le 25 octobre 2024, disponibles pour réservation ! Cette petite portée de cinq bébés chihuahua saura vous charmer par leur douceur et leur petite taille. Ils grandissent en famille et recevront tous les soins nécessaires avant leur départ : ils seront vermifugés, identifiés par puce et vaccinés.
Nous avons dans cette portée 1 femelle et 4 mâles.Prêts à rejoindre leur nouvelle famille à partir de l’âge de huit semaines, ils attendent des foyers aimants et responsables. Le tarif est de 800 €, avec possibilité d’un règlement en quatre fois pour plus de facilité. N’hésitez pas à me contacter pour plus d’informations ou pour prévoir une rencontre !
Ps : Nous sommes situés en Martinique, dans la belle commune du Lamentin !

Un projet d'adoption ? Contactez-nous !

Silent Words - Deciphering the Secret Language of Your Dogs and Cats | Pre-Order
Discover the secrets of your animals' hearts with our E-BOOK "Silent Words". As a passionate behaviorist educator, I take you on an emotional journey, revealing the mysteries of your dog or cat's soul.
The Language of Animals: Immerse yourself in a world where every movement, every meow, every bark is a window onto your companion's most intimate feelings. Learn to read their emotions like an open book, and to build bonds of love and understanding.
Communication Strategies: Transform each interaction into a moment of complicity. Using simple tips, learn to decipher their signals, avoid misunderstandings and strengthen an emotional bond that is as deep as it is authentic.
Practical Advice: Be the confidant of their joys, the refuge of their fears. Learn to identify and respond to their emotional states, for harmonious cohabitation and shared well-being.
Education and Cohabitation: This guide offers you essential education strategies for better cohabitation. Discover respectful and effective techniques to teach your dogs and cats good manners, thus strengthening mutual respect and complicity within your household.
Experiences and Case Studies: This book, peppered with touching anecdotes and concrete examples, is a treasure for anyone looking to forge a sincere and lasting relationship with their four-legged friends.
In Conclusion: “Silent Words” is much more than a guide, it is a key to a world where each look, each wag of a tail tells a story of love and fidelity.
Book your trip to the heart of the animal soul now . The official release of the book is scheduled for March 10, 2024 . Pre-order and be the first to decipher the most tender whispers of your faithful companions!